Julia Piera

Julia Piera

Julia Piera

Julia Piera, born in 1970 in Madrid is a contemporary poet. She is the author of several books like Grinda y Mórdomo (Abada, 2020), Al vértice de la arena (Biblioteca Nueva, 2003), Igual que esos pájaros disecados (Hojas de Zenobia, Diputación de Huelva, 2004), Conversaciones con Mary Shelley (Icaria Editorial, Barcelona, 2006), Puerto Rico digital (Bartleby Editores, Madrid, 2009), and B de Boston (Olifante editions, 2019). She is the winner of the Villa de Madrid (Francisco de Quevedo) 2010 Poetry Prize for her book Puerto Rico digital. 

She holds a BA in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has an MA in Romance Languages and Literature from Harvard University. She is currently the director of the Colby College program in Spain.

Her poems have appeared in various magazines and publications such as El periódico de poesía (UNAM), El signo del gorrión, Can Mayor, ArteletrA, Galerna, and Samantaral Bhabna.

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